Psychiatrist, Writer, Commentator

Writs & Cures: Transforming healthcare through the arts

Tuesday, 31st October 2017

Special guest in this edition of Writs and Cures is Dr Catherine Crock a physician at the Royal Children's Hospital who founded the Hush Foundation, an organisation that aims to transform healthcare through the use of the arts. Cath's work with the Hush foundation began with producing music used to calm patients and staff, and moved on to producing plays that illustrate better health care. Her latest project is the Gathering of Kindness, a series of events on this week that bring together clinicians, actors, artists and musicians to look for creative pathways to more compassionate models of health care.

And on Soapbox, the High Court is back in the news with the decision that four senators and the Deputy Prime Minister were not eligible to be elected to the Australian Parliament. And it's all because of the Constitution. You might know that we have a constitution but do we really know what it is? You might have heard about it in The Castle but do we really know what it does when it's not making movies? Melbourne lawyer Katie Miller gives you the tell-all about the Constitution.
