As Health Carer Workers (HCWs) we are anxious about spreading the infection to our families and the people we live with. On top of that, our friends & families are worried about us because we face an increased risk.

It is an important time to have conversations that explore the risks and share decision making.

Here are some tips to get you started.

Start the conversation.

Factual information- Risk for HCWs

There are things we can do to reduce risks at home

And remember:  The main goal of social isolation is to slow the speed of spread (to flatten the curve) so we don’t overwhelm our hospitals. That way, when we get sick we get first-rate care. It is inevitable that some of us, whether HCWs or not, will get infected.

Apart from avoiding infection, the next best thing we can do to ensure we all recover is to ensure our health care system works and for that to work, we need to stand together – HCWs, our families, our communities

The risks are less if we stand together.
